JJC visit and comfort disabled people | Heartwarming care shows the responsibility of private enterprises.

Publish Time: 2023-04-28     Origin: Site

On the afternoon of March 30th, Xie Chang, the Human Resources and Corporate Culture Manager of Beijing Jiejie West Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd., along with volunteers including Mr. Wang and Ms. Li from the Ronghua Street Disabled Persons' Federation, visited and comforted several families of disabled people in the Warm Home in the Economic Development Zone. On site, Manager Xie patiently inquired about their family situation, living conditions, and physical condition, encouraged disabled friends to maintain a positive attitude and face the future positively, and sent out love and sympathy materials.

Helping the weak and assisting the disabled is the social responsibility of enterprises. In recent years, Jiejie West has attached great importance to the employment of disabled people, gathered social forces and resources to provide them with employment opportunities, and allowed more disabled friends to feel the warmth and care from Jiejie West. In the future, Jiejie West will actively engage in more philanthropic activities as always, fulfill the responsibility of private enterprises, and strive to contribute to the construction of a harmonious society.


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Beijing JJC Technology Co., Ltd